Unique handmade leather bags
“At Bolsas, bags are only made once. Every bag is unique.”
I design custom bags according to your wishes. Meanwhile, 300+ satisfied people are already walking around with a custom-made bag. On this website you can view these bags and read the background stories. Look further and discover why so many customers have already opted for a bag from Bolsas...

Why a bag from Bolsas?
From the inside to the outside, all options for your bag are discussed.
Your bag will have the layout dimensions and compartments you need. Wherever you want them.
As of today, all the things that are important to you fit in your bag. Never lose stuff again. You can stop stuffing.
Choose the type of leather, fabric, colors and materials that suit you. Make use of the option to add attributes yourself that have (an emotional) value for you.
The bag comes with a recovery guarantee. As long as I can fix the bag, I'll fix it for you. You and your bag are my most important business card!
Your colours, your materials and in your personal style. In short: "the perfect bag for you..."Curious about how designing a personal bag works, and what options are available? Discover more about custom bags...
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Bracketbag | Brown Sugar

Exclusive Bracket Bags
What people are saying about Bolsas bags
The Bison Horizon


Exclusive bag collections

stirrup bags
This is the Bolsas bag collection. The stirrup bags contain a powerful...
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